
I am based in Sandefjord and Oslo, Norway. Sometimes in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I take commission work around the world. 

Among my clients are, Jotun AS, Telenor, Yara, Manpower, Statsbygg, Oslo Cancer Cluster, Det norske Samlaget, Det Norske forsvaret, PGS, Volvo Penta, Zebra Agenturer, Forskingsrådet, Format Eiendom, Goldmine Jewlery

In my personal photography I work between street documentary and dreamlike images of unknown places. Most of my work is digital, but some of my artwork is analog, using cinema film.

Photography for me is painting with light. The blurs, the spots that I use in my work, those are errors! But the errors are part of it. They are photographs that are almost not photographs, taken with cinema film of 35 mm. I load unproperly in a camera to optain the errors and mistakes. From the very beginning I will let random processes intervene in the shoot, the image will be blurred, moved, touched. Then I will interfere in the developing process, scratching, veiling, touching to alter. In my work as an artist that captures, there is a game of election and experimentation of the place, a “being there” so that the space penetrates into my gaze, the gaze of my eye-camera.
My images are a hybrid of vintage and modern. I use innovative techniques, but Vintage camera’s are also a part of my arsenal.

Pinhole cameras are part of one of my procjets with trees seen and photographed from below.
”Everything that we see is a glimpse of possible places, of places where the past remains tangled to the present and preparing the future, places of dead people, of the living, of people that will never exist. ”

I have been viewing a street from my balcony, on and off for more than 10 years, knowing it so well. Little did I know that it would be so significant for so many people around the world during the quarentine of 2020, to look at the street from their balcony.

All the photos have been captured in the spare of the moment. Not one is premeditated. Waiting for the decisive moment from the same spot, looking down, looking left right and center. 

The photos from the project “Longing and belonging” have been made in October and April 2017, 2018 and 2019, The titel has been changed to "The street, seen from my Balcony"

From february 2020 the photos The street, seen from my Balcony includes the days of the quarentine in Argentina.


2018 galleri osebro

2017 Galleri Osebro 

2017  Sandefjord

2012- Sandefjord Cordelias Hus

2010- Buenos Aires, Masottatorres Arte contemporano
2010- Peru, Lima foto
2010- Buenos Aires , Masottatorres Arte contemporano
2009- Buenos Aires, ArteBA
2008- Sanefjord, Vandergalleriet
2009- Porsgrunn, galleri Osebro
2008- Buenos Aires, Festival de la Luz
2008- Oslo, Odonata
2007- Rosario foto

I give photo workshops around the world, Berlin, Buenos Aires, India, Istanbul, Laos, Vietnam, Oslo and Sandefjord.








+47 47 900 900


